Turning a picky eater into a confident eater — mum sees progress from FB posts

Judith Yeabsley
6 min readMay 3, 2021

In general, recipes that advertise as being for picky eaters, are NOT! I find it really frustrating to look at a list of recipes and think, no, no, no to most of them.

In trying to rectify this, I have been posting food concepts that I know will work for many fussy eaters over the last few months. Often, this is not about recipes, but about ideas you can use to gently support your child to take a step in a new direction.

If we have a child that is uncomfortable around food, banging down a new food on the plate is rarely going to produce great results. It is about gently introducing things, building a comfort level, and helping them to believe that they can eat something new comfortably.

Often the process takes time and requires enormous patience on our behalf but it really can support even the most selective of eaters to make progress. Starting when we start to see things going awry (or straight away if they’ve never been a good eater) helps.

The concepts I am posting are things that I know will work. Not all will be a fit for every child, but many can be adapted so they are more likely to be accepted. Again, this is not about putting a new food in front of our child and thinking the food choice is the answer.



Judith Yeabsley

The Confident Eater, author of Creating Confident Eaters.