Mum actions blog advice

Judith Yeabsley
7 min readMay 27, 2024

Mum actions blog advice

It is my mission to share information that educates and empowers parents around fussy eating.

My goal is to find budget-friendly ways to give you confidence to take control back of feeding and use this to comfortably support your child to taste and add new foods.

I also do post recipe ideas that are often less about the food and more about ideas you can use to gently support your child to take a step in a new direction.

One of the mum’s who follows our Facebook page sent me a message to explain how helpful the combination of blog advice and foods concepts were.

She totally ‘got’ that food is important, but that the approach is probably more important.

How mum actions advice

If your child refuses even something slightly new, whatever food you serve is going to be a fail.

Therefore, it’s important to work both on the approach and the food.

For example, if you have a child who is uncomfortable around food, banging down a new food on the plate is rarely going to produce great results. It is about gently introducing things, building a comfort level, and helping them to believe that they can eat something new comfortably.



Judith Yeabsley

The Confident Eater, author of Creating Confident Eaters.