Breakfasts for fussy eaters — beyond cereal & toast

Judith Yeabsley
8 min readJul 29, 2024

Does your child happily eat breakfast but then struggle at other times of the day?

If so, that is not uncommon. Breakfast is often a great meal for fussy eaters. They have become hungry overnight (breaking the fast) plus the foods we offer frequently tick boxes.

Picky eaters prefer the expected and the uniform, which is why breakfasts are often a win. Many options are pre-packaged like cereal and so your child knows what to expect as they are the same day-in-day-out.

Last week we looked at ways you could entice a fussy eater to change up their cereal or toast. Making small changes is always advisable so you are not stuck serving the exact same thing over and over again, and your child is not burning patterns that are challenging to shift.

Although toast and cereal are probably the most commonly accepted breakfasts, there are many other foods that you may be able to introduce.

I’m all for thinking outside of the box!!

Again, my favourite words of caution. Yes, what you serve is important, but there are many other factors that enable a food hesitant child to be able to eat a new food.

Although there are many suggestions below, your approach, the language you use, the dynamics around food and feeding and…



Judith Yeabsley

The Confident Eater, author of Creating Confident Eaters.