30 fruit snack ideas for fussy eaters

Judith Yeabsley
9 min readAug 5, 2024

If I have one piece of advice for parents of fussy eaters who want to increase the amount of fruit their child eats, it would be to serve it more often. This is true even if you have a child who currently eats no fruit.

The second piece of advice would be to create interest and interaction around fruit.

Even if you have a child who willingly eats fruit, making it more interesting and fun is always valuable:

1. Change — change helps to prevent boredom

2. Difference — serving foods differently scaffolds flexibility and confidence for a child

3. Interest — interest is the first step to wanting to interact with a food

4. Fun — introducing fun helps a child to relax around food and that is a key parameter in being able to eat more comfortably.

There are many different fruits and eating a wide variety is positive. If you have a child who only eats one or two, increasing the range is a great goal. This is particularly true if they are not fond of vegetables!

For a super selective eater, the first step may be different versions of the same fruit.

Let’s look at some ideas.

*please note that not all ideas are suitable for all ages and stages. Please choose only…



Judith Yeabsley

The Confident Eater, author of Creating Confident Eaters.